ZXEREX on-site screening to manage risk and deter risky behavior, and detect impairment from drugs such as Cannabis (THC), opioids, and impairment related to sleep deprivation and fatigue.
Impairment Detection
ZXEREX technology delivers rapid, non-invasive screening that is based on clinical research, coupled with machine learning, and artificial intelligence to detect changes in the brain associated with intoxication. Employers expect employees to be unimpaired when they arrive at work and not become impaired while on the job. ZXEREX screening reinforces this message with on-site screening that can be performed as often as needed. On occasion, if a supervisor reports the aroma of Cannabis in the workplace and suspects use on the job, screening can be performed at a moment’s notice. As news of rapid real-time impairment screening spreads, it will help to deter Cannabis use in the critical hours before arriving at work and while there. Employees can be selected to participate by the level of job safety risk and the type of work. Those with the greatest risk can be screened before entering the workplace.
Complete Care: Based on the size and risk tolerance, ZXEREX will tailor an impairment screening and training program for managers and supervisors to meet your needs, with screening scheduled to maximize protection. Complete Care includes ZXEREX personnel, equipment, and cloud services. Staffing will be arranged based on the need.
Intermediate Care - Complete Care Transitions to Self-delivery: For a client that plans to use its personnel to perform impairment screening, ZXEREX can provide Complete Care services for several weeks that include staff training, and periodic support to monitor performance.
Self-delivery with custom support: ZXEREX technology and cloud services are available as a subscription. ZXEREX will train your company’s personnel to perform screening and support the screening process. Depending on the need, ZXEREX personnel are available to integrate data management and a client’s RMS system.
Management of impairment: Should training for managers and supervisors be needed, ZXEREX is available to meet your company’s needs.